Sunday, October 12, 2014

Implications and Teaching Opportunities for Camera Use in Teaching and Learning.

Part A
Smartphones have become our personal assistants. Zogby Analytics reports that 68% of young people say they prefer to use their smartphone instead of their laptop or personal computer for personal use. This data shows that over half of the younger population is connected to the world through their smartphone. Educators should take notice of this data and create ways for students to learn through their devices. Since students are constantly on their devices, teachers should use resources to interact with their students on a daily basis. For example, I learned how useful QR codes could be for educational purposes. Students could use their smartphone to scan a QR code and it could initiate a personal reading session. The teacher or student could record themselves reading a book and replay it while following along with the textbook. Any word they mispronounced during the recording would be caught and they could learn the correct pronunciation. This resource would enhance the students reading skills.
Next, schools could also find ways to interact with students through their smartphones. Schools could develop their own apps for students to keep up with school activates, emergency alerts, and news from school administrators. Dr. Carl Cunningham gave a lecture about teachers finding different avenues to connect with their students. Current students are no longer using their email as the primary source of information. They're using Snapchat and Instagram to keep up with current events. Teachers should become familiar with these new resources and use them to post assignments and communicate with their students.

Part B
Zogby Analytics reports that 91% of young people say having a camera on their smartphone is important. Furthermore, 87% say they use their smartphone camera weekly. Teachers could take hold of this data and use it for learning purposes. Since most young people have a camera on their phone or tablet teachers could allow students to record classroom lectures so they could reference back to them while doing homework. This would help improve retention and help them solve difficult homework assignments. Furthermore, teachers could allows students to Skype them if they need help with an assignment. This would connect the teacher with their students outside of school. Under technology education in the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards, standard 14 states that sixth to eight grade students should be able to use digital tools to generate new ideas, products and processes. For example, an educator teaching marketing could develop an assignment where a student would use their camera to make a 30 second commercial advertising a product to the class. The commercial would be played during the class and students could rate how persuasive it was. It is clear that cameras can be used in the classroom to enhance learning. Teachers should find ways to incorporate them in the classroom.

picture of instagram logo

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